Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Last week of the challenge

So, this last week of classes, and the challenge has been so crazy! I feel like I haven't even been able to breathe, but the project has came along way. My rice count that I've donated is extremely high (I can't remember off the top of my head.) I have found a lot of research and my paper is coming along good.,.. I think. I'm just excited to get everything out of the way for a little bit and relax on the beach. Lord knows I need it. Take care!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waste Land

I really enjoyed this movie, and everyone's comments and posts about it that I have looked through. I think a main thing here is this: What's one man's trash, is another's treasure. This statement was running through my head throughout the whole movie. So many items and food are wasted daily -- especially in the United States. It kind of ties into my 30 day project since I'm trying to feed others virtually, so I was interested in this movie... a lot.
Some people may be disgusted with the thought of living in or by a trash dump. The smell, the look, and the bugs/birds really would disgust me. But the courage it takes to make that your everyday life is unreal. These people were working and trying to accomplish their dreams.... through trash. This amazes me because it's something I feel I could not do unless I was rock bottom.
The difference is and the point of this is that treasure can be found everywhere, and life is what you make it. These people working were happy for the most part and in their eyes it wasn't bad money. They were supporting their families and recycling which helps the environment. Whether they liked it or not they made a difference in someone's life and that is what I want to do most. I look up to these people and really enjoyed watching and learning. It really made me sit back and think how lucky and blessed I truly am.

week 3 Free Rice

I've been staying up to date with my FreeRice. It's annoying at this point but in the back of my head I keep thinking that I am helping others. This is me needing to get over my selfish ways. Like, I'm sick of doing free rice, because it takes up time and I'd rather be doing other stuff. But what is better than helping others who can't do the "other stuff" and their daily task is trying to survive. I guess I'm getting disappointed in myself because I want to help but when it comes down to it I'm lazy... even though I have been donating everyday. Anyways, this is a learning experience and I've already realized and learned a lot about myself through this.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Free Rice Day 15

I'm still doing good with my goal, however it is getting harder.... and annoying. I know it's going for a good cause but I'm pretty sick of devoting myself to vocab words daily. I also think my friends are getting sick of me begging them to play. haha. Even though it does help writing and talking skills, I'm annoyed with it. As for my brother's girlfriend, she's quitting her job so there goes all that free rice. It's starting to stress me out and I don't know why. I guess I just wish more people would participate or more people played. I've figured it up, and so far I've donated around 8,000 grains of rice. Go me! butttt, you guys should try it too!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Marshall, Julie. "Free Rice Game." School Libraries in Canada (17108535) 26.3 (2009): 26-28. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2012.

 This article talks about schools in Canada and how free rice is helping students learn and feed others at the same time. It also talks about the website FreeRice and what people can do to help.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Just like everyone else, I had no clue what I was going to break. I am a commuter so I have many things at home -- I just didn't know what to choose. Looking around my house I found a green whistle on a string. I chose the whistle because I went to a Halloween party with my friends this year and I was a referee. I did not have fun at all at this party. The whole time I was in a bad mood and just wanted to go home. By the end of the night all of the guys we went with got into a huge brawl... in a church parking lot. It was like 20 people no joke, and was ridiculous.

Looking back on that night, I wish I would have just stayed at home. I gave the costume back to my sister (it was hers to begin with), and the whistle was left. I took the whistle and smashed it during class trying to forget about the whole night. While deciding what to make of the pieces, I was babysitting my niece. I decided to glue the pieces into a heart and gave it to her. Seeing her face bright up was priceless I know she loved it. Now the whistle is gone and I don't have to keep looking at it and thinking of that awful night.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Free Rice

So far, my 30 day challenge has went well and I'm proud of myself. Each day for the past week I have donated 500 grains of rice (sometimes more). My brother's girlfriend teaches second grade at a charter school in Indy. She loves the free rice website and is going to talk to her school about finding a way to use it. I was so excited when she told me her plan because think about how much rice is going to be donated that wasn't before!! I still have a long way to go and my schedule has been so busy, but I'm going to stick with this and hopefully make a difference! Everyone else should try it as well.