Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waste Land

I really enjoyed this movie, and everyone's comments and posts about it that I have looked through. I think a main thing here is this: What's one man's trash, is another's treasure. This statement was running through my head throughout the whole movie. So many items and food are wasted daily -- especially in the United States. It kind of ties into my 30 day project since I'm trying to feed others virtually, so I was interested in this movie... a lot.
Some people may be disgusted with the thought of living in or by a trash dump. The smell, the look, and the bugs/birds really would disgust me. But the courage it takes to make that your everyday life is unreal. These people were working and trying to accomplish their dreams.... through trash. This amazes me because it's something I feel I could not do unless I was rock bottom.
The difference is and the point of this is that treasure can be found everywhere, and life is what you make it. These people working were happy for the most part and in their eyes it wasn't bad money. They were supporting their families and recycling which helps the environment. Whether they liked it or not they made a difference in someone's life and that is what I want to do most. I look up to these people and really enjoyed watching and learning. It really made me sit back and think how lucky and blessed I truly am.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you. i really like how you connected the film to your experiment!
